What You Can Do To Fight Back

Fight your eviction!

Are you being evicted, harassed, or asked to sign new documents by your landlord? Learn more about your rights as a tenant at sfadc.org/rights, and find free help from counseling, organizing, and legal organizations at sfadc.org/help.

Organize with your neighbors!

Every time your neighbor moves out, your landlord gains power, but when we fight together, we can often win more than the law guarantees.  Organized tenants in San Francisco have won rent reductions and essential repairs, stopped evictions and harassment, and secured city money to support the purchase of their buildings by land trusts and non-profits. Visit sfadc.org/organize for more information and resources and go here to learn about San Francisco’s Tenant Right to Organize law.

Research your landlord!

To find out more about your landlord and your building, use the Evictorbook research tool at evictorbook.com. The SF Assessor’s Office also offers a useful tool for researching your building.